
1969 Alcan 370 Housecruiser Boat

in Oakville, ON


Seller note:

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For further info on this vessel, please contact either Grant or Pat Bowlby at Harris & Ellis' Gananoque Office at [removed phone] or by email at [removed email]
The Alcan 370 was designed and engineered to give the max of safety combined with the performance and seaworthiness of a cruiser, and the comfort of a floating home. The complete structure is built of the marine proven alloy 5052, which combines high corrosion resistance and high impact strength with good weldability. The all-welded construction with deckhouse and longitudinally stiffened hull welded together form an integral structure, resulting in a strong, rugged boat.
The high freeboard of the boat, 4.5 ft forward to 3 ft at the transom combined with a modified V bottom is a hull design that will give you confidence when running in bad weather. High gunwales around the deck help prevent articles being lost overboard. The relatively shallow draft, 39ins with outdrives lowered, permits sailing in shallow waters and clearance of many underwater obstacles.
Head room is 6’ 5 in the salon and 6’ 6 in the wheelhouse, all the cushions and upholstery has been recently redone and there are sliding opening windows everywhere throughout the boat. Cabin heat is by a Newport propane heater mounted on the bulkhead. Going forward and 3 steps up is the wheelhouse which has the helm on starboard with an adjustable captain’s chair and a mate’s seat opposite. The mate’s seat converts to a large single berth and there is good storage behind for books and charts. Visibility is outstanding and there is a sliding door on starboard to access the outside.
Walking from the wheelhouse down a couple of steps is the salon with a convertible bed/sitting area to port and a dinette opposite on starboard. The dinette converts to a double berth (75” x 48” wide) and there is good storage behind and under the seats. Forward along the starboard side is the galley with single stainless steel sink, hot and cold pressure water, a 110 v fridge/freezer unit and a 3 burner/oven electric stove. Opposite on port is a fullsize hanging locker and an enclosed head with vanity, sink, electric head and separate shower stall.
JOINT CUSTODY’S hull, decks and superstructure have all been sand-blasted to bare metal within the last 5yrs and then repainted with the appropriate Interlux products including conditioner, primer and topcoat. Her engines were also compression checked within the last 5 yrs and were also found to be in good working order.
The care that her owners have given her definitely belies her age. She is a most attractive housecruiser at a very terrific price.
Listing originally posted at[removed phone]/alcan-370housecruiser-used-boat-for-sale.aspx

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